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Highview Power awarded £1.5 million for new Hybrid LAES system to respond to frequency response market

13 February 2018

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Donec sed odio dui. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut.

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Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

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Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

PV Tech Storage

24 August 2015

GE-invested UK liquid air storage demonstrator project gets underway

Highview Power Storage, a UK company which makes energy storage systems based on liquid air technology, has said that work is well underway on a 5MW demonstration project in the north-west of England.

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Ends Waste & Bioenergy

21 August 2015

Landfill gas storage facility ready for the winter

UK: Pilot project aims to show commercial viability of electricity storage. Highview Power Storage has announced its demonstration energy storage facility will be operational in a few months.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Magazine

21 August 2015

Liquid air energy storage demonstrator to start operation this winter

The main components of Highview’s Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) 5MW pre-commercial demonstrator have been delivered to the site in Greater Manchester.

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Professional Engineering

21 August 2015

Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant to Begin Operations

The UK’s first pre-commercial scale 5MW liquid air energy storage (LAES) plant has received delivery of its main components, with the build at the Manchester site on track for operations to begin this winter.

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H&V News

20 August 2015

Liquid air energy storage demonstrator to start operation this winter

The main components of Highview’s Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) 5MW pre-commercial demonstrator have been delivered to the site in Greater Manchester.

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19 August 2015

Highview’s 5MW Liquid Air Energy Storage Demonstrator Starting Operations This Winter

GE, Heatric, BOC and Metalcraft have delivered the main components to the site in Greater Manchester as the build continues to progress. KiWi Power are engaged to commercialise the plant’s interaction with National Grid.

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19 August 2015

Highview’s 5MW liquid air energy storage demonstrator starting operations this winter

This winter Highview’s 5MW liquid air energy storage demonstrator will begin operations at a site in Greater Manchester, UK. The main components of Highview’s liquid air energy storage (LAES) 5MW pre-commercial demonstrator have been delivered to the site in Greater Manchester.

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Energy Live News

8 June 2015

Energy storage ‘could end duck curve problem’

Energy storage could be the answer to California’s so-called ‘duck curve’ problem, according to an industry expert… The comment was made by Chief Executive of Highview Power Storage Gareth Brett, who spoke at an energy storage conference last week.

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PR Newswire

13 May 2015

Frost & Sullivan Applauds Highview Power’s Technological Expertise in Developing the Innovative LAES Solution for the Large-scale Energy Storage Market

Based on its recent analysis of the large-scale energy storage market, Frost & Sullivan recognises Highview Power Storage with the 2015 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Innovation.

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9 December 2014

UK’s Liquid Air company signs US deal

Highview Power Storage, a UK based designer and developer of innovative Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) systems, has signed a licence agreement with leading US clean coal technology provider, Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. of Denver, Colorado. Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. through its subsidiary ADA-ES.

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BEST Magazine

5 December 2014

Highview Power and Advanced Emissions Solutions sign LAES storage deal

Advanced Emission Solutions has invested £1.75m ($2.7m) in liquid air energy storage (LAES) developer Highview Power Storage (Highview). Advanced Emission Solutions has signed a license agreement through its subsidiary ADA-ES with Highview for grid-connected LAES non-peaker plant storage applications covering North America (US, Canada and Mexico).

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H&V News

5 December 2014

UK to introduce liquid air energy storage to the US

Highview Power Storage, a UK based designer and developer of Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) systems, has signed a licence agreement with Advanced Emissions Solutions of Denver, Colorado. The licence agreement is for grid-connected LAES non-peaker plant storage applications covering North America (US, Canada and Mexico).

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Bloomberg Businessweek

4 December 2014

Advanced Emissions Solutions Announces License and Investment Deal With UK Energy Storage Company Highview Power Storage

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo., Dec. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:ADES) ( “ADES” or the “Company”) today announced that it has signed a license agreement with UK based Highview Power Storage (“Highview”) to bring Highview’s innovative Liquid Air Energy Storage (“LAES”) systems to market in North America.

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4 December 2014

Advanced Emissions Solutions Announces License and Investment Deal With UK Energy Storage Company Highview Power Storage

Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. ADES, +0.80% (“ADES” or the “Company”) today announced that it has signed a license agreement with UK based Highview Power Storage (“Highview”) to bring Highview’s innovative Liquid Air Energy Storage (“LAES”) systems to market in North America.

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4 December 2014

Advanced Emissions Solutions Announces License and Investment Deal With UK Energy Storage Company Highview Power Storage

Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:ADES) ( “ADES” or the “Company”) today announced that it has signed a license agreement with UK based Highview Power Storage (“Highview”) to bring Highview’s innovative Liquid Air Energy Storage (“LAES”) systems to market in North America. The Company also made a $2.8 million dollar investment in Highview and has appointed a representative to Highview’s Board of Directors.

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ADA-ES Press Release

4 December 2014

Advanced Emissions Solutions Announces License and Investment Deal With UK Energy Storage Company Highview Power Storage

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo., Dec. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:ADES) ( “ADES” or the “Company”) today announced that it has signed a license agreement with UK based Highview Power Storage (“Highview”) to bring Highview’s innovative Liquid Air Energy Storage (“LAES”) systems to market in North America.

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Plant Engineer

1 July 2014

Highview sponsors research chair at £6m Cryogenic Energy centre

Liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems developer Highview Power Storage is co-sponsoring a research chair with the Royal Academy of Engineering at the world’s first research centre for cryogenic energy storage, at the University of Birmingham.

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1 July 2014

Highview cosponsors cryo research

Highview Power Storage will cosponsor a research chair with the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), at the world’s first research centre for Cryogenic Energy Storage at the University of Birmingham.

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24 June 2014

A Big Bet on How to Store Energy, Cheaply

Tech innovators are hoping they can store energy more cost-effectively with mechanical systems that use the most basic materials: air, water, and steel.

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7 May 2014

Electric Cryogenics: Frozen Air Producing Power

May 7 (Bloomberg) — Gareth Brett, CEO at Highview Power Storage, describes his company’s process of creating electricity with frozen air on Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.”

3 April 2014

Energy storage in the UK: is the government doing enough?

The UK Government pledged to support the development of the energy storage sector in February, stating that the technology could be ‘potentially revolutionary’. But is the government creating the right policy framework to support the sector and help it integrate into the UK energy network?

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Professional Engineering

2 April 2014

GE link boosts energy storage

British firm Highview Power Storage signs a deal with the US company. A British manufacturer of energy storage systems is collaborating with industrial giant GE in a move that could see its technology deployed all over the globe. Highview Power Storage, a developer of liquid air energy storage technology, said it had signed an agreement with the oil and gas division of the US company.

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21 March 2014

GE Taps Into The Coolest Energy Storage Technology Around

The development of energy storage technology is going to be one of the defining features of the 21st century’s energy landscape. It will allow nations to decarbonise their economies by integrating renewable energy into their grids, reduce peak power demand and make all forms of power generation more efficient.

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Greentech Media

20 March 2014

GE Partners With Highview for Liquid Air Energy Storage

Liquid air storage gets a vote of confidence from a big-name partner. General Electric Oil & Gas (NYSE: GE) has signed an exclusive global licensing deal with Highview Power Storage, a U.K. startup that makes utility-scale liquid air energy storage systems.

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Power Engineering International

19 March 2014

GE rows in behind innovative energy storage project

General Electric (GE) is to work together with a UK company focusing on the development of a new energy storage technology that could greatly assist the prospects for more cost-effective renewable power. GE (NYSE: GE) has signed a deal to license out the technology that promises to help balance supply and demand for grid operators.

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Business Green

19 March 2014

GE deal boost prospects for UK energy storage startup

Companies sign agreement to collaborate on new liquid air energy storage technology being piloted in the UK. General Electric has signed a deal to license out an innovative energy storage technology developed by a UK startup that promises to help balance supply and demand for grid operators.

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Energy Live News

18 March 2014

GE and Highview Power join forces for energy storage

UK firm Highview Power Storage and GE Oil & Gas have signed an agreement to collaborate on an energy storage project. They will look into integrating Highview’s liquid air energy storage (LAES) technology in power plants where GE gas turbines (pictured, below) and engines will be installed. They aim to increase the plant’s efficiency, grid reliability and the distribution of renewable energy.

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GE and Highview Power Sign Global Energy Storage Collaboration Agreement, The Wall Street Transcript

18 March 2014

LONDON-March 18, 2014-Seeking a larger role in the energy storage sector, GE Oil & Gas (NYSE: GE) has signed a global licensing and technology collaboration agreement with Highview Power Storage, a U.K supplier of large-scale liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems.

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GE Oil & Gas signs licensing and collaboration agreement with Highview Power Storage, The Engineer

18 March 2014

GE Oil & Gas has signed a global licensing and collaboration agreement with Highview Power Storage, a UK supplier of large-scale liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems.

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GE and Highview Power Storage sign agreement, GasWorld

18 March 2014

Seeking a larger role in the energy storage sector, GE Oil & Gas has signed a global licensing and collaboration agreement with Highview Power Storage, a UK supplier of large-scale liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems. The companies will explore opportunities to integrate Highview’s LAES technology in peaker power plants where GE gas turbines and gas engines are currently – or will be – installed to increase power plant efficiency, grid reliability and the distribution of renewable energy.

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GE and Highview Power Sign Global Energy Storage Collaboration Agreement, GE News Center

18 March 2014

Seeking a larger role in the energy storage sector, GE Oil & Gas (NYSE: GE) has signed a global licensing and technology collaboration agreement with Highview Power Storage, a U.K supplier of large-scale liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems. The companies will explore opportunities to integrate Highview’s LAES technology in peaker power plants where GE gas turbines and gas engines are currently or will be installed to increase power plant efficiency, grid reliability and the distribution of renewable energy.

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BBC Bang Goes the Theory

10 March 2014

Presenters Jem Stansfield, Liz Bonnin and Maggie Philbin investigate how close Britain might get to running out of electricity… Jem shows how and why most of our electricity now relies on gas and reveals a potential fuel of the future – liquid air.

Liquefied Air to Store Energy on U.K. Grid

18 February 2014

When it comes to storing energy on the grid, giant batteries are the only game in town. Now, a number of companies are building mechanical systems that use air as the storage medium.

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Liquid air technology gets full demonstrator funding

18 February 2014

Two British companies have been awarded more than £8million to build a commercial-scale liquid air energy storage demonstrator. The funding from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), has been awarded to energy technology company Highview Power and waste management company Viridor.

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Viridor, Highview partnership wins £8 million boost for energy storage innovation, Renewable Energy Focus

17 February 2014

In the UK, Viridor Waste Management and Highview Power Storage been awarded more than £8 million (US$13.4 million) to jointly develop an energy storage technology that stores air in liquid form. The contract was announced as the UK’s Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group published a Strategic Framework on Coordinating Low Carbon Technology Innovation Support.

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Liquid air plant gets £8 million for energy storage trial, Utility Week

14 February 2014

It is the largest of four projects to win a share of a £17 million innovation pot from the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The other three involve different types of battery storage.

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U.K. Backs Liquid Air in Search for Way to Store Renewable Power, Bloomberg

13 February 2014

The U.K. backed plans to turn air into liquid as a way to store energy from volatile solar and wind plants, granting more than 8 million pounds ($13 million).

The Department of Energy and Climate Change awarded funds to a partnership of Viridor Waste Management Ltd. and Highview Power Storage to seek to commercialize the technology and link it to the grid, it said today in an e-mailed statement.

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UK bets £8 million on liquid-air energy storage, Greenbang

13 February 2014

Two British companies have received more than £8 million in government funding to develop liquid-air-based technology for energy storage.

Viridor Waste Management Ltd. and Highview Power Storage won the funding through a UK Department of Energy and Climate Change competition to support energy storage technology research and development.

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DECC announces £8m boost for energy storage technology, Business Green

13 February 2014

An innovative energy storage technology that promises help to balance supply and demand on the national grid has received a major boost today as the government announced £8m of funding to support the project.

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Harnessing Electricity From Frozen Air, Bloomberg TV

16 January 2014

Gareth Brett, CEO of Highview Power Storage, discusses using cryogenics to produce electricity and the impact that may have on energy supply in the future. He speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.”

Reliable renewables with cryogenic energy storage,

23 July 2013

With its favourable economics, proven process and unique operational advantages, CES could be the perfect technology to dominate the power market’s increasingly valuable energy storage niche.

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Round the Clock Renewables, Aljazeera

15 July 2013

If conditions are good, wind, sun and sea may generate more electricity than the grid can take, but at other times they may not produce enough.

One solution to this problem is to store up surplus renewable power, so it can be released when it is needed. And British company Highview Power Storage have come up with a new way of doing this, using a resource that is all around us – air.

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Liquid Air: Nitrogen economy or false economy, Gasworld

1 July 2013

As liquid air continues to gather pace and plaudits, gasworld looks at its feasibility, at the heart are industrial gases and expertise.

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UK warms to cryogenic energy stores, Financial Times

12 June 2013

One of the more innovative entries has come from the private company Highview Power Storage in London. At its 350KW pilot plant in Slough, Berkshire, electricity is used to cool air to its liquid state at minus 196C, which is stored in insulated containers. When power is needed, this liquid air can be warmed and converted back to gas to drive electricity generating turbines. Each litre of liquid air expands to 700 litres of gas. With further work done to improve efficiency, Highview believes its “cryogenic” storage system could provide a cheap means of smoothing wind energy supply.

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When the wind blows we must capture it for a calmer day, The Conversation

4 June 2013

We are also committed to opening-up new methods in use of clean liquid air energy storage, that compresses air into cryogenically frozen liquid. Batteries have their place but if progress is to be made we need low cost, large capacity storage solutions that do not consume mineral and metal resources – and we need them fast.

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The answer is in the air, June 2013, The Energy Industry Times

1 June 2013

Balancing supply and demand in grids that are having to accommodate an increasing amount of intermittent renewable generation, such as wind and solar, is one of the major technical challenges facing today’s power sector.

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Energy Storage Needs U.K. Government Incentives, Highview Says, Bloomberg

30 May 2013

The U.K. government should give incentives to promote methods of storing excess power from renewables and releasing it when energy demand is high, said the developer of such a technology, Highview Power Storage.

Failure to introduce incentives will deter investors and cost Britain an industry that Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has said may save as much as 10 billion pounds ($15 billion) a year by 2050, Toby Peters, chief operating officer and co-founder of Highview Power Storage, said in an interview in London.

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Cryogenic Energy Storage,

29 May 2013

To many people, the term “cryogenic” conjures up images of Walt Disney’s frozen corpse or Woody Allen’s “Sleeper.”  I’m guessing it doesn’t make you think about energy storage, but unlike the aforementioned applications, cryogenic energy storage is technically feasible with current technology, as was recently demonstrated by Highview Power Storage. Highview has a prototype cryogenic energy storage plant that’s been running for over a year. The facility has a 300 kW maximum output and a 2.5 MWh storage capacity. That’s enough to power sixteen houses for eight hours. The company hopes to build a full-scale plant that can output 10 MW with 40 MWh of grid-level storage, which would power up to 250 houses for eight hours.

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Liquefied Air Could Power Cars and Store Energy from Sun and Wind, MIT Technology Review

20 May 2013

Some engineers are dusting off an old idea for storing energy—using electricity to liquefy air by cooling it down to nearly 200 °C below zero. When power is needed, the liquefied air is allowed to warm up and expand to drive a steam turbine and generator.

The concept is being evaluated by a handful of companies that produce liquefied nitrogen as a way to store energy from intermittent renewable energy sources. Liquefied air might also be used to drive pistons in the engines of low-emission vehicles.

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Two liquid air projects through to feasibility stage of competition, Gasworld

12 May 2013

Highview Power Storage, an award-winning UK developer of utility scale liquid air energy storage technologies, has had two multi-MW projects successfully put through to the feasibility stage of DECC’s Energy Storage Technology Demonstration Competition.

The news comes in the same week that a major new report from business and academic experts highlighted the ‘critical role’ that liquid air could play in Britain’s low carbon energy future.

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Highview Power Storage see interest from Chinese investors, NewNet

10 May 2013

Highview Power Storage, which this week secured financing from the UK government, has revealed to NewNet that Chinese investors have shown an interest in licencing its liquid air energy storage business, representing ‘huge potential’ for the company.

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Renewable Power Could Be Stored as Liquid Air, U.K. Lobby Says, Bloomberg

9 May 2013

The technology would address the “fundamental problem” of how to store energy from renewable sources when it’s not needed and may create as many as 22,000 jobs by 2050, lobby group Centre for Low Carbon Futures said today in the report.

“We have an opportunity, and growing need, to scale up our investment in technologies that will ensure the energy from renewables is not wasted, and the opportunities for the U.K. industrial sector are not lost,” Richard Williams, pro-vice chancellor at the University of Birmingham, who led the study, said in a statement.

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Liquid air energy storage could become £1bn industry, Engineering and Technology Magazine

9 May 2013

Liquid air energy storage technology could unlock a £1bn industry and 22,000 UK jobs, according to a new report.

Professor Richard Williams, pro-vice chancellor of the University of Birmingham, who led the report, says: “Solving Britain’s energy crisis requires better ways to store the power of the wind and the sun at large scale without relying on scarce natural resources, and liquid air provides a missing piece of that puzzle.”

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Liquid air could unlock £1bn business and 22,000 UK jobs, Gasworld

9 May 2013

Liquid air is a proven energy storage technology that could play a critical role in Britain’s low carbon energy future, according to a major new report from business and academic experts.

The use of liquid air could increase UK energy security, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and create a storage industry worth at least £1bn pa and 22,000 jobs, the report found.

The news comes as the report is officially launched today at the Liquid Air Energy Conference in London, UK.

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12 projects through to feasibility stage of DECC’s storage competition, H&V News

9 May 2013

DECC has announced a total of 12 projects have been selected under the first phase of the Energy Storage Technology Demonstration Competition launched in October last year to carry out feasibility studies.

Two of the projects are from Highview Power Storage, UK developer of utility scale liquid air energy storage technologies.

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Plans whoosh on for commercial liquid air energy plant, Energy Live News

9 May 2013

Plans are whooshing onwards for a new commercial scale power plant which uses air to make electricity.

National Grid, engineers at Costain and energy technology firm Highview Power Storage have teamed up to submit a feasibility study of the proposed liquid air energy storage plant as part of DECC’s energy storage demonstration competition.

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First commercial liquid air plant among UK competition winners, The Engineer

9 May 2013

Construction of Britain’s first commercial-scale liquid air energy storage plant could begin this year after the government revealed the winners of its new technology competition.

The announcement that two liquid air-based facilities are among the 12 projects to share £500,000 for feasibility studies into a range of energy storage systems comes as a new report argues cryogenic technology could create a £1bn industry and 22,000 jobs in the UK.

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Energy storage market makes case for 5GW target by 2020, Business Green

9 May 2013

The winners included Highview, which has developed a system that uses liquid nitrogen to achieve the triple goals of storing energy, converting waste heat to power, and delivering air conditioning.

Today, the UK has 3GW of pumped hydro storage, most of which is located in North Wales to provide reserve power for now defunct nuclear and coal plants. But with an increasing amount of renewable energy being added to the grid, ESN believes storage capacity should be ramped up to at least 5GW by the end of the decade.

The association today urged the government to set a clear target to install an additonal 2GW of storage capacity by 2020, requiring an investment of £4bn, but potentially saving £3bn per year by 2020.

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£21million for carbon cutting technologies, Department of Energy and Climate Change, Press Release

8 May 2013

16 organisations have been awarded a share of £2 million to help develop innovative storage solutions for energy. Energy storage systems are designed to store electricity generated at a time of low demand to be used a later time when demand is high. Such systems have an important part to play in supporting the growth of low carbon technologies but further funding is needed to help drive forward innovation and encourage private sector investment.

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Is liquid air the missing link in energy storage?, ATSE Focus

1 April 2013

There are alternatives. For example, in the UK there is a growing interest in the notion of cryogenic liquids. These are reported to be at a lower cost point and more likely to be suitable where solar energy can be used to drive compressors to compress air to liquid air (as cryogenic fluids). Liquid air is potentially an energy vector in itself and vaporisation of the liquid using low-grade waste heat makes for a very efficient system that then drives a generator. The round-trip efficiency of these systems rivals batteries.

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RAE hosts one-day conference on Liquid Air Energy, Renewable Energy Magazine

26 March 2013

These cryogenic liquids are already widely used in industry but their potential for use as an energy vector is only just beginning to be explored. Consequently, discussion concerning liquid air is not yet part of the mainstream energy debate, despite the apparent huge potential the technology offers. For example it is uniquely able to recover low grade waste heat from sources such as thermal generation, data centres and industrial processes as well as vehicle engines. This heat can then be turned into power and a number of British organisations are developing ways to exploit the technology as a zero emission store and transport fuel. This would in turn create a huge economic opportunity for the UK.

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Royal Academy of Engineering to host conference on Liquid Air, H&V News

22 March 2013

A six-month study on the potential of liquid air as a new and sustainable energy vector, published by the Centre for Low Carbon Futures, will be presented at a one-day conference hosted by the Royal Academy of Engineering on the 9 May.

Liquid air is a new energy storage technology that many experts believe could help meet some of our toughest energy challenges, including energy security and zero-emission transport.

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The missing link: why Australia needs energy storage, The Conversation

4 March 2013

Professor Richard Williams discusses the potential of liquid air energy.

Liquid air is potentially an energy vector in itself; vapourising the liquid using low grade waste heat makes for a very efficient system that then drives a generator.

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Windktaft in die Flasche, New Scientist (German edition)

1 February 2013

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Liquid Batteries, Azocleantech

25 January 2013

One of the major drawbacks of solar and wind energy is that wind and the sun do not produce enough energy on a continuous scale. It is said that wind turbines tend to be productive only when the demand for power is low (during morning and evening) and become passive by the middle of the day when the need for electricity increases. So that poses a question about energy storage and whether it could be a potential solution, ensuring we get the best out of our renewables. Energy storage could ensure stable power supply during the day as well as at night.

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Into thin air: Storage salvation for green energy, New Scientist

2 January 2013

However, air may yet hold the key to energy storage – in liquid form. For the past two years, on a patch of land not much bigger than a basketball court in Slough, UK, a liquid air pilot storage plant has been quietly generating electricity using the excess energy from a neighbouring biomass plant. This tangle of gleaming white pipes and tanks has enough advantages over rival technologies to have been hailed as a critical part of our energy future. “This could save the UK billions,” says Tim Fox, head of energy and environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London.

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First Liquid Air energy report ready, Gasworld

21 December 2012

Global engineering consultancy, Arup, and leading privately-owned industrial gas company, Messer Group, sponsor first Liquid Air Energy report.

A group including leading academics, research institutions, industry and policy experts is producing a White Paper to explore the energy and economic potential of liquid air, and whether it should – and can – become a new strategic sector in the global ‘clean tech’ ecosystem.

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First liquid air mainstream energy report gets underway, Plant Engineer

18 December 2012

Cryogenic energy storage plant is taking another step out of the laboratory towards full scale production, with the announcement that global engineering consultancy Arup and gas giant Messer Group are sponsoring the first liquid air energy report.

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Liquid air company recognised at IET Innovation Awards, Gasworld

28 November 2012

UK company Highview Power Storage, a developer of Liquid Air Energy Storage systems, has won the Sustainability Award from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Innovation Awards.

The awards recognise the most innovative companies worldwide operating within a wide variety of engineering and technology disciplines. Winners were chosen from 430 entries, from 25 different countries.

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Highview explains liquid air plans, Professional Engineering

5 November 2012

Highview Power Storage has released additional details of how its liquid air energy storage system would work on a commercial scale.

The system, which is being trialled at a plant in Slough, provides a potential method of storing and releasing intermittent energy from renewable sources as an alternative to “pumped hydro” electricity storage schemes.

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Pioneering British technologies that could help to store energy, IMechE

31 October 2012

The first – liquid air technology – is a hugely promising method of storing ‘wrong-time’ renewable energy without the need for expensive and geographically constrictive pumped-hydro plants, and one Bishop Stortford engineer is even working on a liquid air engine for use in transportation. The idea of liquid air as an energy vector is not new. Scientists first liquefied air in 1883, and within 20 years the Liquid Air Car Company had produced a vehicle that would run on it.

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Liquid Air Could Be The Fuel Of The Future, Sky News

7 October 2012

Cars, homes and factories could be powered using the air we breathe in the future, according to engineers at a special summit.

British scientists developing the technology say normal air can be used to store energy by cooling it to -190C, turning it into a liquid.

Read more: Air A New Renewable Energy/true

Frozen Air ‘Battery’ stores wind turbine energy

3 October 2012

Liquid air, which can be frozen, stored and warmed later, could work better than batteries or fuel cells to store energy from wind turbines or other renewables.

The technology was originally developed by Peter Dearman, a garage inventor in Hertfordshire, U.K., to power vehicles. For the past several years, U.K. tech firm Highview Power Storage has been working to transfer Dearman’s innovation to a system that can store energy for power grids.

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Liquid air makes a splash, Professional Engineering

3 October 2012

Liquid air made a splash. Sadly it’s not often that an engineering story – unless it’s a nuclear reactor going into meltdown or an aircraft downed by a birdstrike – gets a lot of airtime in the mainstream media. But yesterday’s carefully co-ordinated effort by the IMechE, Highview Power Storage, a number of academics and the automotive engineering consultancy Ricardo to make the world sit up and pay attention to liquid air paid off.

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Dr Tim Fox from IMechE discussing Liquid Air on BBC Radio Devon

2 October 2012

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Liquid air ‘offers energy storage hope’, BBC News

2 October 2012

Turning air into liquid may offer a solution to one of the great challenges in engineering – how to store energy.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers says liquid air can compete with batteries and hydrogen to store excess energy generated from renewables.

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Dr Tim Fox from IMechE discussing Liquid Air on BBC Radio Scotland: Newsdrive

2 October 2012

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Cold Storage, Professional Engineering

2 October 2012

A number of concerns are frequently cited when considering electricity supply: whether renewables can be developed quickly enough to meet targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; whether the economic climate is right to encourage investors to build nuclear power stations; and whether gas-fired power stations should be fitted with carbon capture and storage technology.

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Dr Tim Fox from IMechE discussing Liquid Air on BBC Radio 5: Breakfast

2 October 2012

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Dr Tim Fox from IMechE being interviewed by Roger Harrabin about Liquid Air on BBC Radio 4: Today Programme

2 October 2012

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Liquid air official launch next week: a glimpse at our energy future?, Gasworld

28 September 2012

We’re at a crossroads in the quest for energy security, with sustainable solutions required to ensure our energy security – and one of these proposed solutions will be discussed at a high-profile launch event next week.

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Liquid air: A new industry for UK plc?, Renewable Energy Magazine

27 September 2012

Leading academics, senior government officials and industry executives will meet at the UK’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers on Tuesday 2 October to consider how liquid air can help deliver a zero carbon economy.

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Liquid air to fuel UK low carbon engineering economy, Plant Engineer

26 September 2012

Academics, government officials and industry executives will meet at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 2 October to kick off a programme aimed at harnessing liquid air to deliver a zero carbon economy and boost British business.

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Is Liquid Air Energy Storage The Key To Making Data Centres Green?, Tech Week Europe

22 August 2012

Cryogenic storage can be switched on very quickly – it’s literally as easy as turning on a tap. So the specs are probably as good as diesel generators, but without any on-site pollution.

The way it would work is as follows: the data centre invests in some more backup cryogenic storage than it would need in a power cut, and charges the system up during off-peak hours. Hours of peak demand for electricity probably coincide with peak demand for data centre services (in business and leisure hours, people do a lot of Facebook and social media).

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Basil Read’s high power partnership, Cape Business News

14 August 2012

UK energy storage company, Highview Power Storage and Basil Read Energy (BRE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Basil Read, one of Africa’s largest construction, engineering, mining and energy companies have formed a partnership for the commercial deployment of Highview’s proprietary energy storage technology in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

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Cryogenic Energy Storage for Data Centers by Peter Judge, Green Data Center News

29 July 2012

Liquid air isn’t the most obvious energy storage system, but it is being proposed to help solve the problems of the electrical grid. I wonder if it could also help sort out some of the issues in data center power.

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UK company to help solve South Africa’s energy constraints, Gasworld

18 July 2012

Highview is the first UK company to secure overseas commercial agreements in the fast-growing energy storage market. This latest arrangement gives exclusive rights to BRE to deploy and implement Highview’s proprietary cryogenic energy storage technology in their markets.

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Liquid air energy -storage set for the big time after German deal, Recharge

12 July 2012

UK technology developer Highview Power Storage (HPS) expects to see the first multi-megawatt plant using its liquid air energy-storage (LAES) concept built next year, after signing a commercialisation deal with German industrial gases group Messer.

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The right mix: technologies to store wind power,

12 July 2012

One of the most promising new storage technologies to emerge in recent years apart from battery systems has been developed by engineers at UK-based Highview Power Storage. By building the world’s first prototype of a liquid air energy storage system in 2010, it not only won The Engineer Technology and Innovation Award in December 2011, but also developed a potential solution to several of the sector’s issues.

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Basil Read Energy in energy storage deal with UK’s Highview Power Storage, BusinessDay

11 July 2012

BASIL Read Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of construction company Basil Read, on Tuesday announced a strategic partnership with Highview Power Storage, the UK energy company, to develop Highview’s energy storage technology commercially in Southern Africa.

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UK’s Highview secures African deal for storage system, New Energy World Network

11 July 2012

UK-based Highview Power Storage has partnered withBasil Read Energy (BRE), a subsidiary of African construction company Basil Read, to commercialise Highview’s energy storage technology.

The companies will be engaged in developing the cryogenic solution in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.

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Basil Read to Develop Highview’s Technology, Business Day Says, Bloomberg Business Week

11 July 2012

Basil Read Holdings Ltd. (BSR)’s energy division agreed to develop London-based Highview Power Storage Ltd.’s technology in sub-Saharan Africa, Business Day reported, citing Highview Chief Executive Officer Gareth Brett.

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World first ‘frozen air’ storage goes commercial, Energy Live News

11 July 2012

Generating energy from the air we breathe is now a step closer as the world’s first pilot plant for liquid energy storage (LAES) has been commercialised.

Designed by a British firm, the new process has only been tested at the pilot plant in Slough but it could now spread after getting a vote of confidence from the Messer Group last week.

Read more:‘frozen-air’-storage-goes-commercial/

Company Announcement: Strategic Partnership between Highview Power Storage and Basil Read Energy, Engineering News

11 July 2012

Under the terms of the agreement, BRE has the exclusive rights to deploy of Highview’s technology both in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Highview receives technology licence fees per MW installed. The team has commenced a feasibility study for a specific first site, expected to be a 10MW plant with more than 50MWh of stored capacity.

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UK’s Highview partners with Messer to commercialise storage solution, New Energy World Network

9 July 2012

UK-based Highview Power Storage has partnered with German industrial group Messer to commercialise Highview’s energy storage technology.

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Strategic partnership for Liquid Air Energy Storage, Plant Engineer

6 July 2012

Messer Group will use Highview’s cryogenic energy storage technology while Highview gins access to Messer’s engineering expertise in gas liquefaction.

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Energy Storage Update: Zinc-Air and Frozen Air Move Forward, Green Tech Media

6 July 2012

Of course, the key to Highview’s approach is to have lots of industrial gases available to freeze and unfreeze. Messer, which operates about 70 cryogenic air separation plants in Europe, Asia and South America, plans to integrate Highview’s technology into its plants, and holds an exclusive license to use it in those settings, while leaving Highview free to develop projects that aren’t co-located or connected with industrial gas production.

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Liquid air energy storage technology edges closer to commercialisation, Eureka

5 July 2012

A solution to one of the most pressing problems facing large scale wind power – how to store surplus energy when the wind is blowing and release it when the weather is calm – has edged one step closer to commercial realisation.

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Liquid Air for Utility-Scale Energy Storage?, Green Tech Media

5 March 2012

It takes plenty of electricity to make air cold enough to turn from a gas into a liquid. What if you could reverse that process and turn that energy sink into a source of energy storage?

U.K.-based Highview Power Storage is trying out just that technology right now, in a 300-kilowatt, 2.5 megawatt-hour pilot plant built at a Scottish & Southern power station outside London that’s feeding stored energy into the grid.

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