Author Archive

Could “liquid air” be answer to problems of wrong-time energy?, Renewable Energy Magazine

27 February 2012

UK company Highview Power Storage has built and tested the world’s first Liquid Air Energy Storage plant; and, with solutions to manage wrong-time wind energy an urgent priority, the technology has picked up a number of engineering and energy awards, including the prestigious Grand Prix Prize at The Engineer 2011 Technology and Innovation Awards presented at the Royal Society in December.

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UK firm in talks to push power storage scheme to market, Cogeneration & On-site Power Production

21 February 2012

A means of storing at least 200MWh of excess electricity generated by wind turbines is being developed by UK-based Highview Power Storage.

The company is in talks with several UK and continental Europe-based firms with a view to pushing the technology towards commercial-scale operation, Highview Power Storage chief operating officer Toby Peters told ICIS Heren on Friday.

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Can frozen air help store energy?, Energy Live News (ELN)

14 February 2012

UK tests grid-linked ‘liquid air’ system for energy storage, Recharge

8 February 2012

UK start-up company Highview Power Storage (HPS) has completed a year-long trial of a grid-connected “liquid air” energy storage (LAES) system.

The company believes the system has the potential to solve the problem of storing surplus power generated by future large-scale renewable energy sources.

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Is liquid air storage the answer to unreliable wind?, npower

8 February 2012

Engineers believe they have found an answer to the unreliability of wind power: liquid air storage. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Imeche) is unveiling the unique new British technology in London tomorrow.

The Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) takes electricity from the grid at peak times, such as on windy days, and uses it to cool air until it liquefies at -196 degrees Celsius.

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New wind power energy storage, Southern African Association for Alternative Energy

8 February 2012

A British company has unveiled a solution to storing wind power enrgy, which can then be released during periods of calm.

Highview Power Storage uses liquid air storage which takes electricity at peak times and uses it to cool air until it liquefies at –196 deg C.

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UK energy storage company picks up awards, Renewable Energy Focus

7 February 2012

UK energy storage technology company, Highview Power Storage, has won the Rushlight Award for Power Generation and Transmission, and the Group Energy Environmental Award.

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New Solution for Wind Energy Storage, Alternative Energy Africa

7 February 2012

UK company Highview Power Storage has released a new option to store wind energy during peak periods for consumption, helping to solve a major issue facing wind farms. With the new technology, wind farms will not be forced to turn off the turbines during peak wind hours in order to avoid overloading the power grid.

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Combined heat and power, and energy storage plants are the biggest games in town. Brian Tinham looks at latest developments, Plant Engineer

6 February 2012

Few would disagree with the imperative today for engineers to work towards reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and bearing down on carbon emissions. One of the most obvious ways to achieve both, where power generation is concerned, is to favour any of the range of combined heat and power (CHP) technologies, subject to scale, where at all feasible.

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Wind power energy storage technology revealed, H&V News

6 February 2012

A British company has unveiled a solution to storing wind power enrgy, which can then be released during periods of calm.

Highview Power Storage uses liquid air storage which takes electricity at peak times and uses it to cool air until it liquefies at –196 deg C.

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British company’s energy storage system could boost windfarms’ potential, Grough

4 February 2012

A British company has unveiled what it claims is the solution to one of windpower’s major drawbacks: storage of surplus energy which can then be released during periods of calm.

Highview Power Storage uses liquid air storage which takes electricity at peak times and uses it to cool air until it liquefies at –196C.

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Patent granted for award-winning cold energy storage, Plant Engineer

3 February 2012

UK energy saving technology firm Highview Power Storage has been granted a patent for its new CryoEnergy System (CES) in both China and South Africa.

The company has built a pilot plant that demonstrates the practicality of its novel energy collecting system, which uses liquid air as the storage medium.

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Listen to Highview CEO, Gareth Brett discussing our technology on BBC Radio 4: Today Programme

3 February 2012

Watch Highview demonstrate our pilot plant on the BBC.

2 February 2012

A new way to store energy – liquid air, Carbon Commentary

2 February 2012

A venture capitalist idly glancing through business plans probably wouldn’t give an energy storage business a second glance. All the glamorous companies are focused on finding cheap ways of making low cost energy. Storage is down-market, and ever so slightly dull.

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Could liquid air be the solution to storing surplus wind energy?, E2B Pulse

2 February 2012

A UK energy storage company is claiming to have developed a solution to one of the major problems facing wind power – how to store surplus energy when the wind is blowing and release it during calm weather.

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Liquid air: the solution to wind power’s unreliability?, DPA

2 February 2012

A solution to the most pressing problem facing large-scale wind power – how to store surplus energy when the wind is blowing and release it when the weather is calm – will be presented to the public for the first time at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London on Thursday evening (February 2). Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) takes electricity from the grid at peak times, such as on windy days, and uses it to cool air until it liquefies at minus 196 degrees Celsius.

Read more:–the-solution-to-wind-power-s-unreliability-.aspx

Liquid air energy plant planned by Highview Power Storage, The Institution of Engineering and Technology

1 February 2012

Highview Power Storage says it will develop a commercial facility using liquid air to store renewable energy after a successful pilot project.

UK company Highview recently completed tests at a 350 kilowatt pilot plant near London and connected it to the National Grid, and says it is confident its technology works and is planning a larger scale plant.

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Liquid air the solution to wind power’s unreliability?, Eureka

1 February 2012

A solution to the most pressing problem facing large scale wind power – how to store surplus energy when the wind is blowing and release it when the weather is calm – is being presented to the public tomorrow for the first time.

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UK firm plans to firm up liquid air energy storage, Reuters

1 February 2012

UK company Highview Power Storage plans to develop a commercial facility which uses liquid air to store renewable energy after a pilot project was successful, the firm told Reuters on Wednesday.

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Experts hail ‘liquid air’ storage, Press Association

1 February 2012

Technology which turns air into liquid to store energy is a “promising” solution to the problem of intermittent wind power, it has been claimed.

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Is liquid air storage the answer to unreliable wind?, Energy Live News

1 February 2012

Engineers believe they have found an answer to the unreliability of wind power: liquid air storage. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Imeche) is unveiling the unique new British technology in London tomorrow.

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Liquid air: the solution to wind power’s unreliability?, Institution of Mechanical Engineers

1 February 2012

A solution to the most pressing problem facing large-scale wind power – how to store surplus energy when the wind is blowing and release it when the weather is calm – will be presented to the public for the first time at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London tomorrow (Thursday 2 February).

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Novel energy storage system, Engineering Live

26 January 2012

UK energy storage technology development company Highview Power Storage has been granted a patent for its CryoEnergy System (CES) in both China and South Africa

Highview Power Storage has developed and built a pilot plant of a novel energy storage system, which uses liquid air as the storage medium. Although using mature components the integration is novel; and the first of the company’s portfolio of patents has now been granted in two of its target markets.

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The Engineer’s Top 10 Technologies of 2011, The Engineer

23 December 2011

Using liquid air or nitrogen as an energy carrier, either to store electricity or as a vehicle fuel, isn’t a new idea, but creating a viable and efficient commercial technology to do this has been an elusive goal for many years.

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Energy storage project wins major award, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

14 December 2011

An innovative energy storage project co-developed by EPSRC-supported researchers at the University of Leeds has won the ultimate accolade at The Engineer magazine’s 2011 Technology and Innovation Awards. The team won this year’s Grand Prix, and was also winner of the Energy category. Two other EPSRC-sponsored projects won their respective categories.

Working with project partner, Highview Power Storage, the Leeds team co-designed and lab-tested a novel cryogenic energy storage system that stores off-peak energy, using liquefied air as the storage medium.

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Better Storage Than a Battery, New Energy and Fuel

7 December 2011

A liquid nitrogen powered engine could provide an energy storage alternative to batteries and fuel cells.   Such an engine is driven by the pressure created as liquid nitrogen (LN2) returns to its gas form and could provide a way of powering a vehicle with a longer range and faster refueling than a battery without producing any noxious tailpipe emissions.

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Energy storage project wins major award, Leeds University

6 December 2011

An innovative energy storage project co-developed by researchers at the University of Leeds has won the ultimate accolade at The Engineer magazine’s 2011 Technology and Innovation Awards.

Working with project partner, Highview Power Storage , the Leeds team led by Professor Yulong Ding (SPEME), co-designed and lab-tested a novel cryogenic energy storage system that stores off-peak energy, using liquefied air as the storage medium. The project won this year’s Energy Award as well as the Grand Prix.

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The 2011 Energy & Environment Winner – CES, The Engineer

2 December 2011

Cryogenic energy storage (CES) pilot plant

Highview Power Storage, Scottish and Southern Energy, BOC/Linde, University of Leeds

Energy storage is critical if we are serious about replacing fossil fuels with renewable electricity sources. One of the key problems with wind, wave and solar power is their intermittency, so matching the unreliable supply of green electricity to our demand requires an intermediate step so we can save the energy in some form for when we need it. Additionally, those countries whose traditional infrastructure is struggling to meet demand could benefit hugely from a back-up system to help accommodate peak consumption.

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2011 Technology and Innovation Award Winners Revealed, The Engineer

2 December 2011

The Engineer is pleased to announce the winners of the Technology and Innovation awards for 2011.

Held at the Royal Society and hosted by Liz Bonnin, the awards celebrate collaborative engineering projects that have, or are likely to have, a significant impact on the sectors they are active in.

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Large scale Energy Storage, DPA Magazine

1 November 2011

Highview Power Storage’s system uses liquid air as the storage medium and can be scaled to 100MWs/GWhs of storage, similar to medium scale pumped hydro. But liquid air can easily be stored in the same low pressure tanks as used by the LNG industry – it is hundreds of times more energy dense than water (therefore taking up far less space) – and the process does not need large mountains or lakes, like some pumped storage systems.

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UK Company Showcases Novel, Large Scale Energy Storage System, Electricity Storage Association

27 October 2011

Over the coming months energy teams from the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change through to grid operators and utilities from UK, Europe and further afield are visiting a small site adjoining Scottish & Southern Energy’s biomass power plant on Slough trading estate west of London. They are there to see the world’s first pilot plant of a liquid air energy storage system, owned and operated by Highview Power Storage, a UK energy storage developer. This, they believe, could be the answer to the big problem many power grids are facing – what do we do about wrong-time wind energy?

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A London Industrial estate’s pilot plant may solve costly problem of ‘wrong time’ wind energy, Environment Times

24 October 2011

Wind turbines creating power for the national electricity grid at the wrong time is costing the country millions of pounds. And that’s a prime reason why UK Government ministers will be making visits to a London industrial estate next to a power plant that reckons it has cracked the problem through widely available energy storage.

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Novel energy storage technology demonstrated to government officials, Professional Engineering

21 October 2011

Officials from the Department of Energy and Climate Change visited a “world first” liquid-air energy pilot plant adjacent to a biomass power station in west London earlier this month, it has emerged.

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World’s first liquid air energy storage plant uses Atlas Copco, Plant Engineer

12 September 2011

Using cheap, off-peak electricity, the CryoEnergy System pilot plant operates by extracting ambient air from the surrounding environment.

Rob Morgan chief technology officer at Highview, explains that the gas is cleaned, compressed and then cooled until it liquefies. Liquefied air is then stored in an insulated tank at -196° C.

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Compressors for world’s first liquid air energy storage plant, The Engineer

5 September 2011

Slough, UK – Atlas Copco compressors are being employed in a new cryogenic process developed by Highview Power Storage to store off-peak electric energy by liquefying air.

Using off-peak electricity, the Highview CryoEnergy System pilot plant operates by extracting ambient air from the surrounding environment: the gas is cleaned, compressed by Atlas Copco compressors, and then cooled until the air undergoes a phase change to a liquid. The liquefied air is stored in an insulated tank at a temperature of −196° C.

Read more:’s-first-liquid-air-energy-storage-plant/1009869.article

Atlas Copco compressors form integral part of world’s first liquid air energy storage plant, Process and Control Today

5 September 2011

The liquefaction stage is accomplished by integrating Atlas Copco compressors within Highview’s 300kW/2.5MWh CryoEnergy System. A fully-integrated, oil-free ZR 700 VSD water-cooled screw compressor, with specially modified inlet pipework, operates within the recirculation system while the main air feed for the liquefaction plant is supplied by a ZR 250 VSD rotary screw compressor. The Atlas Copco installation is completed with a low-pressure ZS45+ VSD blower.

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Cold Storage, Energy World

1 September 2011

Being able to store energy in large quantities is seen as the key to accommodating ever more intermittent power generation onto the grid, and storage is also very useful working alongside CHP plants. Here, David Strahan describes a new technology option currently under development.

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Deals signals greater Sino-British co-operation on green economy, clean Biz Asia

29 June 2011

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s calls for Britain and China to work together on the green economy and jointly pursue sustainable development bore fruit yesterday when trade deals worth USD4.3 billion were signed by Wen and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

In another sign of increased economic co-operation between the two nations in the cleantech space, is a UK and Chinese collaboration announced yesterday will deliver the world’s first pilot “cryogenic energy storage” plant in the south-east of the UK.

The system, designed with scientists from the University of Leeds, uses liquefied air to store off-peak energy which the developers say can be used on a utility scale and is significantly cheaper than batteries. The energy storage technology has been developed by UK company Highview Power Storage and the demonstration site in Slough is due to be operational next month.

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Unique liquid air energy storage pilot plant to open soon, Greenbang

29 June 2011

The UK and China are collaborating to deliver the first-ever pilot demonstration of a liquid air energy storage system.

The cryogenic energy storage plant being built near London by Highview Power Storage is scheduled to become operational next month. Engineers from the Chinese manufacturers of the technology are currently on-site to help with commissioning.

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Utility-scale energy storage, The Energy Event 2011

20 June 2011

While National Grid this week recognises the role for energy storage to support a secure, low carbon electricity network, a UK technology development company, Highview Power Storage, has been quietly getting on and building a pilot demonstration plant connected to the Grid.

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Motor turns generator in new power storage facility, DPA

14 June 2011

Renewable energy is intermittent and as the infrastructure grows, energy storage systems must be available to fill gaps in the supply or to meet high peak demand. A novel way of storing electric power has been developed by Highview Power Storage. The company’s ‘CryoEnergy’ system runs during low-tariff periods and uses the cheap electricity to operate an air liquefaction plant, storing the liquefied air in an insulated tank at -196oC.

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Future perfect: Affordable solutions to store excess renewable energy, EcoFriend

24 May 2011

Whenever there is a demand for power, the liquid nitrogen is heated in a heat exchanger such that a high pressure gas is generated that in turn drives a turbine to generate power. The best thing about this technology is that the heat pump can be operated without any chemical or refrigerant.

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Eine sehr kalte Lösung, (German)

13 May 2011
Ökostrom steht häufig nur sehr unregelmäßig zur Verfügung. Britische Forscher setzen nun auf eine mehr als hundert Jahre alte Technologie, um überschüssigen Strom zu speichern – in flüssiger Luft.
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Un autre mode de stockage de l’énergie, Bulletins Electroniques (French)

5 May 2011

Le stockage de l’électricité représente un enjeu à part entière. Il s’agit déjà d’une thématique importante liée à l’irrégularité de la consommation électrique, mais son importance est vouée à augmenter à mesure que la production d’électricité elle-même verra sa régularité affectée par la pénétration des énergies renouvelables.

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Electricity storage struggles to add up, ENDS Report

28 April 2011

The UK’s first major electricity storage projects for decades are under construction. But are they actually needed to manage future renewables challenges? Alex Marshall reports

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Motor key to novel power storage scheme, Wiredin

28 March 2011

A motor from ABB is the key to a power storage scheme that uses a croygenic process to store energy. The CryoEnergy system, developed by Highview Power Storage, uses cheap-rate electricity to operate an air liquefaction plant, storing the liquefied air in an insulated tank at -196ºC.

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Liquid Air Stores Renewable Energy, Discovery News

20 March 2011

Renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power are intermittent. The wind doesn’t always blow; the sun doesn’t always shine. But power grids need uninterrupted, reliable flows of energy in order to guarantee electricity to masses. If renewable energy is to come online with coal and natural gas, it can’t be sporadic. That means it needs to be efficiently stored so it can be utilized on cloudy, windless days and at night.

Britain’s Highview Power Storage has developed an unusual way to store energy generated by wind and sunlight: liquid air. Sound cool? It is, quite literally.

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Испытано промышленное хранение энергии в жидком воздухе, Membrana (Russian)

17 March 2011

Британская компания Highview Power Storage в течение последних девяти месяцев проводила первую фазу испытаний пилотной установки CryoEnergy System (CES). Она призвана помогать обычной тепловой электростанции во время пиков энергопотребления, сглаживая нагрузку на основное оборудование.

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CryoEnergy System uses liquid air to store energy, Gizmag

17 March 2011

Balancing demand for energy with timely production is a juggling act that is particularly relevant to renewable sources such as wind and solar. Because the wind isn’t always blowing and the sun isn’t always shining, the energy produced by these systems needs to be stored efficiently so it can be used when it’s needed. While some scientists are looking into storing such energy by converting it to natural gas, Britain’s Highview Power Storage has its own approach, which is already in use in a pilot project. In a nutshell, the company is storing excess energy as liquid air.

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Unità di azoto liquido per programmare le fonti rinnovabili, Eco (Italian)

16 March 2011

De pilotinstallatie beschikt over een tank waarin zestig ton stikstof is opgeslagen. Peters: ‘Dat is een opslagcapaciteit van 6 MWh.’ Eind volgend jaar wil Highview Power Storage een commerciële cryogene installatie in gebruik nemen met een vermogen van 3.5 MW.

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Britten slaan elektriciteit in koude op, Technisch Weekblad (Dutch)

13 March 2011

Detto ciò vorrei segnalare un importante filone di ricerca messo a punto dalla società britannica Highview Power Storage che merita di essere seguito con attenzione visto che potrebbe dare importanti risposte sul cruccio delle rinnovabili, ovvero sul fatto di non poter programmare la loro produzione energetica per via della loro aleatorietà.

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Almacenamiento de energía en aire líquido, Ison21 (Spanish)

3 March 2011

Una empresa inglesa de criogénia, Highview Power Storage, está probando un innovador sistema de almacenamiento de energía que puede alcanzar una eficiencia de hasta el 70%, a un coste de 1.000 dólares por kilovatio: el aire líquido.

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Liquid Air Tested to Store Renewable Energy in UK, CleanTechnica/Scientific American

2 March 2011

Yet another innovative way to store renewable energy is being tested in the UK by a cryogenic company, Highview Power Storage, whose liquid air energy storage could be up to 70% efficient and cost just $1,000 per kilowatt.

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Power of cool: Liquid air to store clean energy, New Scientist

28 February 2011

We are on an industrial estate in Slough in the UK, on the grounds of a 100-megawatt biomass plant owned by energy firm Scottish and Southern. But what we’ve come to see is the small cluster of containers and a gleaming white liquid nitrogen tank tucked away in one corner of the site. Here Morgan, chief engineer at Highview Power Storage, London, and his colleagues have been running a pilot plant designed to store potential energy in the form of liquid air.

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Cryogenic energy stroage plant could provide valuable back-up, The Engineer

22 February 2011

The UK’s first cryogenic power storage plant, which uses liquid nitrogen to store and release energy, is scheduled to open next month.

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New power storage method uses ABB motor, Plant Engineer

11 February 2011

A revolutionary new way of storing electric power, developed by Highview Power Storage, uses a cryogenic process to store energy.

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